Context: Act as if you are a Chinese language teacher. You're teaching a beginning Chinese class. Instruction: Convert the difficult Chinese text below into a much easier one, so that your students can understand it. After converting the text into easy Chinese, provide the vocabulary list based on the easy Chinese. The format of the vocabulary list is provided below. The difficult Chinese text: 什么是文明的社会? 如今的社会,已经比几百年前,平等很多了,在人权方面,在性别方面,在地位权利方面。但是,不可否认的是歧视依旧存在。例如,当你提到某些工作类型时,会不自觉的认为这样的工作是不靠谱的。 当你听说,一位女性的工作是视频主播时,会认为不稳定,昙花一现。当你听说,某位女性是老师时,就认为一定是稳重沉闷的。当你听说某位男性在夜店工作时,就会认为他身边有很多女性朋友,夜不归宿。 虽然社会在进步,但是各种有色眼镜潜藏在社会的各个角落,或隐蔽或明显。只有当一个社会走向平等时,我想才是真正文明的社会。 The format of the vocabulary list: word, pingying, English, traditional chinese The easy Chinese text: The vocabulary list based on the easy Chinese text: